Coronavirus Update
Update 15/04/2021 11:03 CET
The state of Mecklenburg Vorpommern will be closing all child care and kindergarten facilities on Monday 19.April 2021.
This will have a significant impact on our employees with young children.
While Production will continue without interruption, please be advised that it may be harder to reach some of our office personal during this lockdown.
Update 02/03/2021 08:50 CET
Starting March first, certain businesses are being allowed to re-open however, home schooling and childcare still have an influence on the region.
We continue to run a lean system to protect our employees and production is running. We have experienced some supply chain delays and are in dialogue with our customers and suppliers to ensure proper project alignment.
Update 21/01/2021 08:30 CET
Germany has extended it’s countrywide lockdown through 14.February 2021.
Home schooling and limited child care continue to influence the region and our company. We have implemented stronger measures to protect our employees and are in active contact with our customers regarding possible project delays.
Update 05/01/2021 08:30 CET
After a week of shut down between Christmas and New Years, production is back up and running at 100% as of 4. January 2021.
Germany continues its formal lockdown until 10. January and we expect this to extend until the end of the month. With the continued restrictions we could face delays. We are proactively monitoring the situation and will contact our customers directly should we foresee any delivery problems.
Update 15/12/2020 11:30 CET
Germany is imposing a hard lockdown effective 16.12.2020.
As a young and family friendly company, many of our colleagues will be forced to stay home to care for their children due to the increased restrictions. Consequently as recommended by the German authorities we will close the whole company between Christmas and New Year Day.
We are doing everything in our power to meet our delivery deadlines however, we do expect some delays. We are proactively monitoring the situation and will contact our customers directly should we foresee any delivery problems.
Update 30/11/2020 10:20 CET
The 7 day average per 100,000 people has reached below 40 incidences in Schwerin.
Sabik Offshore continues to follow it’s COVID-19 guidelines. Production running as normal and we expect no delays.
Update 02/11/2020 15:20 CET
Starting Monday 2.November, Germany has instituted increased restrictions for the month of November. These restrictions fall inline with our existing COVID-19 policy.
In the meantime, the 7 day average per 100,000 people reached 53 incidences over the weekend making Schwerin a risk area.
On Thursday 29. October, Sabik Offshore implemented a traffic light system to regulate personnel traffic at the company facilities to limit contact. With Schwerin reaching over 50 incidences our red light has been triggered meaning that the majority of colleagues work in home office. Production continues to run as normal however with increased safety measures and the bare minimum of staff are in the office to ensure daily business continues.
Update 28/10/2020 10:20 CET
Sabik Offshore is closely monitoring the COVID-19 development to assess its impact on our business.
Sabik Offshore’s production facilities are located in Schwerin in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany.
As of 27.10.2020, the 7 day incident average per 100 000 people in Schwerin has been 11.5.
We are in a low risk zone and do not have any impacts on production. We shall continue to monitor the number of cases and follow all government guidelines issued.
Additionally we are monitoring COVID-19 across Europe closely, especially in the regions of our sub-suppliers. If we see any potential impact to our project delivery we will contact our customers in a timely manner.
Update 21/04/2020 10:20 CET
German authorities have introduced new COVID-19 safety measures for workplaces to be effective from 27th April 2020. Sabik Offshore shall implement these over and above the work policy outlined below. There is expected to be no changes to efficiency or ability to deliver.
Production continues to run as normal and no further disruptions to the supply chain have occurred.
Update 31/03/2020 10:30 CET
German authorities have extended their COVID-19 safety measures to 20th April 2020. There are no changes to our work policy outlined below. Production continues to run as normal and no further disruptions to the supply chain have occurred.
Update 23/03/2020 17:10 CET
On 22/03/2020, German authorities introduced further safety measures to contain COVID-19. Our current work policy listed below complies with these new measures and thus there is no impact to our production or office schedules.
Update 19/03/2020 15:32 CET
Production continues to run at a normal level with the shift model working as planned.
A main supplier located in France has been forced to close their production until the end of March. This will result in delays in production of certain products that were planned for delivery in April and potentially further down the line. There are no suitable alternative suppliers or components available at present. Customers with affected purchase orders have been informed and will continue to be updated as more information becomes available.
17/03/2020 17:00 CET
In order to ensure open, transparent and accurate information to our customers during this challenging time, Sabik Offshore will regularly update this webpage with relevant information. Our primary concern is the wellbeing of our employees followed by the continuity of our supply of goods and services to our customers. We have therefore implemented the following measures:
Production will continue but on a shift basis to limit the number of people in any area at any one time.
Office Workers:
All employees in the Edinburgh office will be working from home.
Minimal staff will operate the Copenhagen/Glostrup office. Those present will be spread over the premises to minimise any risk of infection. All remaining Copenhagen/Glostrup staff will work from home.
In Schwerin R&D, sales, marketing, HR / QM and process management staff will work from home as far as possible. Service, production, general administration, accounting, purchasing & logistics and the project team will work in the office but will be spread over the premises to minimise any risk of infection.
All physical meetings are postponed, cancelled or moved to online platforms such as Skype. All travel is cancelled until further notice.
At present, production capability is normal and confirmed orders will continue to be fulfilled. New orders are being accepted. We are in constant communication with our supply chain and do expect some delays in the coming weeks. Suitable alternatives are being investigated where necessary and specific delays to active projects will be communicated directly to those who are impacted.
We will strictly follow the recommendations of the relevant authorities at all times. Please check this webpage regularly for updates.